Membership Information
ISM Members
The Society shall consiste of Ordinary Members, Student Members, Honorary Members, Retired Members and Sustaining Members.
- Ordinary Members: open to any person interested in the objectives of the Society with a degree from a recognised University/College or who has appropriate training and experience in the area.
- Student Members: open to any student enrolled in a degree program in Mycology, Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Food Chemistry, Toxicology (Medical and Veterinary Sciences), Biology, Food Technology or related field.
- Honorary Members: Distinguished Scientists, as determined by the Council of the Society
- Retired Members: active members after retirement
- Sustaining Members: organisations or individuals willing to provide financial support and/or interested in advancing the objectives of the Society
Benefits for ISM Membership
- Reduction of 15 % on registration fee for all conferences/workshops sponsored by ISM
- Individual ISM members are eligible to subscribe at the preferential subscription rate of €84.00 the internationally recognised and peer-reviewed journal Food Additives and Contaminants, available in online edition only.
- 20% reduction on deposit/request of fungal strains from ITEM Collection (
- Receiving a t-shirt of the ISM as gift for the subscription (see photo)
- Updating of all News sponsored by ISM by e-mail
- A 20% discount on article processing on Toxins Journal
- Discounted processing charges for open access books on Toxins Journal
- The ISM members will be able to post job announcements on Toxins website free of charge
- A 20% discount on the regular price for a personal subscription to WMJ World Mycotoxin Journal (e-only).
- A 15% discount on the fee for Open Access to WMJ World Mycotoxin Journal , provided that the corresponding author of a submitted paper is an ISM member.
- Supporting prevention/resolution of mycotoxins problems in Third World countries