Membership Information

ISM Members
The Society shall consiste of Ordinary Members, Student Members, Honorary Members, Retired Members and Sustaining Members.

  • Ordinary Members: open to any person interested in the objectives of the Society with a degree from a recognised University/College or who has appropriate training and experience in the area.
  • Student Members: open to any student enrolled in a degree program in Mycology, Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Food Chemistry, Toxicology (Medical and Veterinary Sciences), Biology, Food Technology or related field.
  • Honorary Members: Distinguished Scientists, as determined by the Council of the Society
  • Retired Members: active members after retirement
  • Sustaining Members: organisations or individuals willing to provide financial support and/or interested in advancing the objectives of the Society

Benefits for ISM Membership

  1. Reduction of 15 % on registration fee for all conferences/workshops sponsored by ISM
  2. Individual ISM members are eligible to subscribe at the preferential subscription rate of €84.00 the internationally recognised and peer-reviewed journal Food Additives and Contaminants, available in online edition only.
  3. 20% reduction on deposit/request of fungal strains from ITEM Collection (
  4. Receiving a t-shirt of the ISM as gift for the subscription (see photo)
  5. Updating of all News sponsored by ISM by e-mail
  6. A 20% discount on article processing on Toxins Journal
  7. Discounted processing charges for open access books on Toxins Journal
  8. The ISM members will be able to post job announcements on Toxins website free of charge
  9. A 20% discount on the regular price for a personal subscription to WMJ World Mycotoxin Journal (e-only).
  10. A 15% discount on the fee for Open Access to WMJ World Mycotoxin Journal , provided that the corresponding author of a submitted paper is an ISM member.
  11. Supporting prevention/resolution of mycotoxins problems in Third World countries
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