Why Choose ISM?
Among the activities of ISM, the organization and sponsoring of Courses and Conferences is one of the most fruitful and active ones. More than 10 training courses and about ten International Worskops and Conferences has been in charge of ISM in its first decade of activity.
The courses are mainly focused on new and traditional methods for mycotoxins detection and toxigenic fungi identification. They are usually addressed to young researchers or scientist interested to learn about the important topics of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi, neither on new advanced and innovative methods. The Conferences usually dealing with different aspects related to toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins in relation to occurrence, contamination, ecology, biology, molecular and biochemical methods, crop protection and management, food safety aspect, etc..
Food Additives and Contaminants publishes original research papers and critical reviews covering analytical methodology, occurrence, persistence, safety evaluation, detoxification, regulatory control, and surveillance of natural and man-made additives and contaminants in the food and animal feed chain.
The Mycotoxicology Newsletter (MTNL) is an international forum for the discussion of mycotoxins. It is published by VICAM since 1998 with I or II issues a year and since 2006 is an affiliated journal of ISM.